MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HSB-MBA) HSB-MBA program is designed and conducted fully in English by HSB in cooperation with the Business School, University of Queensland, Australia. The program’s 64-credit is the most extensive MBA in Vietnam so far. The training period will be from18-24 months during weekends. Learners will be able to acquire...Read More
HSB TRAINING AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 2013-2018 Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) Training and Scientific committee includes prestigious interdisciplinary scientists and excellent leaders and executives in many socio-economic realms. Committee members are making great contributions to the planning and implementation of strategies for the sustainable development of HSB brand-name under Vietnam National University Hanoi. Many...Read More
MANAGEMENT OF NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY (MNS) This program possesses a unique design not only in Vietnam but also in Asia and around the world. It attempts to provide society a generation with Master on Management of Non-Traditional Security, those who have in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge, strategic thinking, planning and organizing skills in order to have enough abilities...Read More
Vision HSB is always a refutable school of business and management, pioneering in inter-disciplinary research and training programs for the sustainable development. Mission HSB educates leaders, managers, and administrators who can change and act for the sustainable development. Core Values: I – P – Q Innovation ...Read More
HSB MESSAGE Dear friends, After 23 years of development, Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) is a uniquely autonomous School among 14 member schools/universities of Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNU) has been acknowledged as a leading prestige brand in Vietnam. But what’s more wonderful is that HSB has become a great...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.