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       Dear friends,

    After 23 years of development, Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) is a uniquely autonomous School among 14 member schools/universities of Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNU) has been acknowledged as a leading prestige brand in Vietnam. But what’s more wonderful is that HSB has become a great family of more than 13.000 joyful and successful alumni who do work hard everyday to innovate and contribute effectively to the sustainable development of our country.

   Today, as we all know, HSB has progressed to a new stage of development with both advantages, difficulties and challenges. HSB new team of leadership, lecturers and staff members are trying the best to innovate to carry on and materialize the aspiration of many lecturers and students generations that is to make HSB as a sustainably developed school and become an internationally recognized organization for researching, consulting and interdiscipline training on business and management.

    With the supports of prominent scientists and international lecturers, together with the sponsors of alumni and various corporate organizations, HSB is firmly on track to become Hanoi School /University of Business and Administration by 2020. HSB’s faculty and staffs are striving for a new and innovate approach for the successful implementation of unique and high quality interdisciplianry training courses for bachelor degree, master degree and PhD such as MET (Bachelor of Science in Management Enterprise & Technology) , MNS (Master of Non-traditional Security Management), HSB-MBA (Master of Business Administration); DMS ( PhD. in Management and Sustainable Development)…

     Living environment and occupations may change, but HSBans have been trained to be persistent on the road of pursuing the meaning of work and life. On the journey to success and happiness, we always keep in our minds those beautiful memories about HSB, the lecturer-student relationship, and the team spirit among classmates… Everything may fade away but the culture will stay. HSB culture is our respect to lecturers & moral principles, our spirit of cooperation & innovation for community, and our commitment to accompany our lecturers, students and alumni. Please, come back to your HSB home whenever you may need help and especially, when you want to share and have opportunities to contribute to the sustainable development of our beloved HSB home.

 On behalf of HSB Leadership Team 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi


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