HSB copyright

What is HSB copyright?

HSB Copyright is the legal rights including personal rights and property rights given to HSB authors of original works. The owner of copyright in a work has a number of exclusive rights including the right to control publication and copying of their work, as well as the right to make the work available offline and online.

Copyright Protection at HSB?

Lecturers and scientists working under any kind of agreement with HSB have their copyrights to be respected and protected by HSB and the laws of Vietnam. They are authors or creators of a work or works, which may include but not limited to: New names of scientific disciplines at HSB, names of the new training programs, designs of new training programs, designs of new training programs’ framework, new curriculums, new lectures notes, books, textbooks, scientific papers, workshop papers… Before using any work of our lecturers and scientists for our research, consultancy or training programs, HSB always asks the authors for the permission with their signatures and pay for their copyrights if necessary.

What can you copy?

Usually you need the copyright owner’s permission to copy their work, but the Copyright Act has some exemptions, such as the fair dealing provisions, which permit limited copying for a range of reasons for personal research or study, without infringing copyright.

As a student, you will probably rely on the research or study on how to use and copy any part of the author’s work.At HSB you are allowed to copy limited amounts from copyright works for your course needs, to prepare a research paper or essay, or to write a thesis without infringing copyright, but with the condition that you have to put a citation of the author’s name and work.

As a reader of HSB online, you can copy less than 30% of any paper and work as only a specimen copy for your own use, not for re-use in any case and not for any commercial purpose.  

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