Scholarships for PhD students, trainees with excellent research ability of VNU in 2022

1. Purpose of scholarship consideration 

– Attracting and encouraging learners with achievements and research capacity to participate  in doctoral training programs and post-doctoral internships of Vietnam National University,  Hanoi (VNU); Contributing to improving the quality of training and scientific research of  doctoral students, trainees in doctoral training programs, post-doctoral internships, and  enhancing human resource training high-level scientific force for socio-economic  development, towards international integration. 

– Improve the quality and efficiency of VNU’s scientific and technological research  activities.

2. Objects and conditions for applying for a PhD scholarship 

2.1. Registered object 

Candidates applying for PHD STUDENT scholarships are candidates who wish to apply for  doctoral training or PhD students who are participating in doctoral training programs at a  training unit of VNU, have good research ability, have the ability to publish internationally  and commit to meeting the output standards in accordance with this Regulation and the  current doctoral training regulation of VNU. 

2.2. Registration conditions 

a) Age is not more than 40 as of the date of decision on recognition of PHD STUDENT; 

b) Have a minimum GPA of study at undergraduate and master’s levels of at least 2.8 (point  scale 4) for candidates applying for master’s degrees; have a GPA of at least 2.8 at university  level (scale of 4) for candidates applying for bachelor’s degree; 

c) There is a research outline, in which the proposed implementation plan to achieve the  outputs of the doctoral training course is at least as follows: During the training period, the  PhD student is the lead author (first name author) /contact author) of at least 02 articles on the  research results of the thesis published in specialized scientific journals in the list of  ISI/Scopus journals, of which at least 01 article is published in the journal ranking Q1 (for the  field of natural science and technology) or at least 01 article in a journal rated Q2 or higher  (for other fields); 

d) Having reputable scientists sponsor the introduction. The sponsoring scientist is not  necessarily the PhD thesis supervisor; 

đ) Commitment to comply with the regulations of VNU on considering and granting  scholarships to researchers with excellent research ability (made according to the form in  Appendix I); 

e) In addition to the above conditions, candidates who are candidates for doctoral training  must meet the enrollment conditions according to the current Regulation on doctoral training;  PHD STUDENT who are enrolled in a doctoral training program must have at least 18  months of study and research time as prescribed by the time of applying for the scholarship  program.

3. Subjects and conditions for applying for a trainee scholarship 

3.1. Registered object

Candidates applying for TRAINEES scholarships can be either inside or outside the country,  inside or outside VNU, have good research capacity, appropriate research proposal and have  scientists to receive guidance and research sponsorship. 

3.2. Registration conditions 

a) A clear personal background, not during the execution of a criminal judgment or discipline  from warning level or higher; 

b) Having enough health to study and research; 

c) Age not more than 45 as of the date of registration; 

d) The degree is recognized and the doctoral degree is awarded within 5 years from the date  of the decision on recognition of the degree to the date of application registration; 

dd) Having a research outline, in which the research field and research content are suitable to  VNU’s strengths; The proposed implementation plan to achieve the output of the postdoctoral  internship is at least as follows: During the internship, TRAINEES is the main author of  articles published in specialized scientific journals belonging to the ISI/Scopus list with a  rating of Q2 or higher; the number of publications corresponding to the duration of the  internship (minimum 01 post/year); 

e) Having a sponsor scientist introduce and be accepted as a guide by a lecturer or permanent  researcher of VNU; 

g) Commitment to comply with the regulations of VNU on granting scholarships to students  with excellent research ability (made according to the form in Appendix I). 

4. Financial mode 

4.1. PhD students are considered for scholarships up to 100 million VND/person/year (12  months). Students are considered for scholarships based on the results of study and research  during the standard training period from the effective time of the decision to grant the first  scholarship. The training unit may consider the decision to waive tuition fees for PHD  STUDENT. 

4.2. TRAINEES is considered for scholarships up to 120 million VND/person/year (12  months). TRAINEES is considered for scholarships during the post-doctoral internship at the  training unit according to the approved plan. 

4.3. Expected progress of scholarships: 

a) VNU’s scholarship review committee considers and evaluates the granting of scholarships  periodically to PhD students and trainees in June and December every year; 

b) The first time (granting VND 50 million/PHD STUDENT, VND 60 million/TRAINEES):  Based on the results of assessment of professional dossiers, research outline and conclusions  of the technical subcommittee; 

c) Subsequent times (granting VND 50 million/PHD STUDENT, VND 60  million/TRAINEES or the rest of the scholarship): Based on evaluation of results, progress of  study and research. PhD students, TRAINEES will not be considered for scholarships if they  do not complete their studies and research according to the approved plan. The consideration of scholarship grant and compensation (if successful) will be considered at the next  scholarship grant.

4.4. For ongoing research but not completed publication within the standard training period of  the PHD STUDENT or the official research period as planned by TRAINEES, the scholarship  will be considered for a maximum period of 12 consecutive months if the study results are  published. 

  1. Scholarship application and process 

5.1. Scholarship application form 

a) Dossier for the first time scholarship consideration 

Application for consideration for the first scholarship (according to Appendix II form); Profile; 

A valid copy of the birth certificate; 

A valid copy of bachelor’s or master’s degree, together with academic transcripts; Certificate  of diploma recognition in case the degree is issued by a foreign educational institution. 

Evidence of expertise; foreign Language; experience, scientific research achievements and  working seniority; 

Research proposal; 

Letter of recommendation from research sponsor and instructor; 

The official dispatch of the direct management agency for recruitment according to current  regulations on training and fostering civil servants and public employees (if the candidate is a  civil servant or public employee); 

Other relevant documents at the request of the training unit. 

b) Dossier for scholarship consideration for the next time: 

An application for consideration for a scholarship during the period of study or research  (according to the form Appendix III); 

Report on the progress of study, research and plan for the next 6 months, certified by the  instructor and research sponsor; 

List of published works together with photocopies of published articles; 

The evaluation minutes of the specialized unit confirm the content of the articles directly  related to the research field of the PhD, TRAINEES; identify the journal in the ISI/Scopus  catalog and the journal’s rating. 

5.2. Scholarship application process 

Step 1: Candidates register for scholarship consideration through VNU’s Scholarship Portal at:

Registration time: 

+ The first batch of the year: Starting from the date of registration for the first batch of  graduate students to 5:00 p.m. on May 31 every year. 

+ Year-end semester: Starting from the date of registration for the second batch of graduate  students until 17:00 on November 30 every year. 

– Particularly for the end of 2021, the registration time is as follows: Starting from 08h00 on  December 1, 2021 to 17:00 on January 15, 2022. 

Step 2: The training unit announces the plan and organizes the assessment and evaluation of  the candidate’s application for a scholarship (Section 6: Process of evaluating the application  for the first scholarship; Section 6. 7: Consider granting maintenance scholarships). 

Step 3: The head of the training unit sends a written request to VNU (via the Training  Department) together with a list of PhD students and trainees requesting scholarship  consideration and related documents before June 15 and December 15 annual. Particularly for  the last period of 2021, the training unit sends a request to VNU before January 20, 2022. 

Step 4: The scholarship consideration committee of VNU evaluates the application, assesses  the candidate’s ability and decides to grant scholarships to PhD students, TRAINEES, and  publishes it on the website of VNU and the unit training before June 30 and December 30  each year. Particularly for the end of 2021, VNU will announce the results of the scholarship  award before January 31, 2022. 

Step 5: VNU announces the decision to grant the scholarship and transfers the scholarship  funding to the PhD student, TRAINEES through the direct account of the individual receiving  the scholarship. In case the PhD student or TRAINEES is not allowed to continue to consider  the scholarship grant as in Section 7.2, VNU will stop granting the scholarship and notify the  training unit and the candidate. 

Summary of timelines for implementing VNU’s scholarship consideration process is shown in  Appendix IV.

6. The process of evaluating the application for the first scholarship 

6.1. Profile assessment plan: 

– For candidates applying for new admission to the doctoral training program: Follow the  graduate enrollment plan of VNU and the training unit; 

– For PHD STUDENT who are participating in doctoral training program and candidates  applying for post-doctoral internship: According to the training unit’s plan. 

6.2. The head of the training unit establishes a specialized sub-committee to evaluate the  candidates’ application for scholarships. 

6.3. The candidate presents the research proposal and plan to the technical sub-committee.  Through the candidate’s profile and interview, the professional subcommittee evaluates the  feasibility of the research topic, the candidate’s study and research capacity, and the  candidate’s English ability, and gives an assessment score. Candidates recommended for  scholarship consideration must score at least 80/100. 

6.4. Based on the results of the evaluation of the profile, research outline and conclusions of  the specialized subcommittee, the training unit reports and proposes to the Director of VNU to 

consider and grant the first scholarship to PhD students, TRAINEES.

7. Considering  maintenance scholarships 

7.1. Published academic results, research and other related achievements (if any) are the basis  for VNU to consider granting maintenance scholarships to PhD students and students. 

7.2. PHD STUDENT, TRAINEES may not continue to consider the grant of scholarships in  one of the following cases: 

a) Not participating in professional activities for more than 06 months, failing to report on  research progress and results in accordance with regulations; 

b) Failing to prove the capacity to complete the output results as prescribed in Point c, Section  2.2 of this Notice for students or Point dd, Section 3.2 of this Notice for TRAINEES after  checking the prescribed progress period; 

c) Violating the Regulation on doctoral training of VNU, the regulations of the training unit  and the contents of the Regulation on scholarship consideration of VNU. 

8. Rights and responsibilities of PhD students and trainees 

8.1. PHD STUDENT, TRAINEES have the following rights: 

a) To be considered for scholarships of VNU and the institution (if any) during the period of  study and research at the training institution; 

b) To receive favorable conditions from VNU and training institutions to participate in  scientific research; to become a member of research groups and participate in the  implementation of science and technology tasks according to the regulations of VNU; 

c) Priority consideration by VNU and training institutions for exceptional recruitment  according to the talent attraction mechanism; 

d) Receive financial support from other organizations and individuals in the course of study  and research in case that financial amount is not a full scholarship and there is no conflict  between the interests and responsibilities of the PhD students, TRAINEES are entitled to  receive financial support from VNU in accordance with this Regulation with the rights and  responsibilities of recipients of financial support according to regulations of sponsoring  organizations and individuals; 

e) Support to connect to work at reputable agencies, organizations and enterprises at home  and abroad with high demand for knowledge human resources. 

8.2. PHD STUDENT, TRAINEES have the following responsibilities: 

a) Use the scholarship for the right purposes and requirements of VNU, the training unit, and  the organization and individual granting the scholarship, for their own study, research and  activities; 

b) Voluntary commitment, high consensus, high responsibility and high determination to  study and research to meet the requirements of VNU’s Regulation on scholarship  consideration; 

c) Commit to learn to have a complete and profound understanding of the tasks of studying,  researching and strictly implementing the Regulations of VNU, the training unit, and the  research team, as well as implementing all obligations according to regulations of the State and VNU; participating in research groups, working in laboratories, professional activities,  participating in teaching, teaching assistantship, training support according to current  regulations of VNU; 

d) Provide accurate and transparent information about their learning process, scientific  research and employment situation after graduation, at the request of training units and  scholarship-granting organizations and individuals; 

e) Be responsible for coordinating with VNU to promote the personal image and brand of  VNU through the scholarship programs that PhD and TRAINEES are granted; 

f) Announcements must include the name of the training unit under VNU according to  regulations and annotate that the research results are funded by the scholarship fund for PhD  students and graduate students of VNU as follows: “[Full name of the recipient] scholarship]  thanks to VNU Scholarship Fund, code [VNU.PHD STUDENT or VNU.TRAINEES] for  sponsoring this research”.

9. Instructions: 

How to apply Scholarships for PhD students, trainees with excellent research ability of VNU. 

Documents attached to the application Scholarships for PhD students, trainees with excellent  research ability of VNU.

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