Doctor in Management and Sustainable Development (DMS)

1.Program introduction

  • Degree’s title: Doctor in Management and Sustainable Development
  • Transcript title: Management and Sustainable Development
  • Training institution: Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB)
  • Degree awarding institution: Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
  • Program duration: from 36 months
  • Number of credits: 120 (180 ECTS)
  • Field of study code: 9340407

2.Language of Instruction: English/Vietnamese

3.Admission process:

Candidates present the research proposal and implementation plan to the professional subcommittee for the selection of PhD students. The candidate’s proposed research topic must be consistent with the fields and research directions that the professional unit is conducting, and must have qualified people who agree to receive guidance.

The members of the professional subcommittee ask interview questions to evaluate candidates in terms of: professional knowledge and capacity, clarity of ideas regarding research objectives, content and methods, feasibility of the research topic and plan, and the qualities required of a PhD student.

The professional subcommittee evaluates the application and PhD student outline, scores the evaluation according to section 6.3 and sends the results to the Secretariat for a summary report to the Admissions Council. Candidates who meet the requirements for selection must have a minimum score of 60/100 for the application and research proposal, in which the minimum score for the research proposal must be 25/40.

4.Admission criteria:

  1. a) General requirements for candidates:

– Having a clear personal history, not serving a criminal sentence, or being disciplined at the level of warning or higher;

– Graduation with a regular master’s degree in a suitable major/specialization or a level equivalent to level 7 according to the Vietnamese National Qualifications Framework in a number of specialized training majors suitable for the doctoral training major/specialization. Diplomas issued by foreign educational institutions must undergo recognition procedures according to current regulations. Instructions for implementation are available on the website:

– Having research experience demonstrated through a Master’s thesis of a research-oriented training program. Candidates with an applied-oriented Master’s degree or candidates with a Master’s degree in a relevant field/specialty but who have to take additional courses must be the author or co-author of at least 01 article in a specialized scientific journal or 01 scientific report published in the proceedings of national or international scientific conferences or seminars with peer review, with an ISBN publication code related to the field or research topic, recognized by the council of professors and associate professors of the field/interdisciplinary.

– For those who have a Master’s degree but have completed a master’s thesis with a study load of less than 10 credits in the master’s training program, there must be at least 02 scientific articles/reports.

– Having a research outline, clearly stating the name of the proposed topic, research field; reasons for choosing the field, research topic; a summary of the research situation in that field at home and abroad; research objectives; some main research contents; research methods and expected results; reasons for choosing the training unit; implementation plan during the training period; experiences, knowledge, understanding as well as preparations of the candidate for the doctoral thesis. The outline can propose a supervisor.

– Having a letter of recommendation from at least 01 scientist with the title of professor, associate professor or a doctorate in science, doctorate who has participated in professional activities with the candidate and is knowledgeable in the professional field in which the candidate intends to research. The letter of recommendation must include comments and assessments of the candidate regarding:

  • Ethical qualities, capacity and attitude in scientific research, professional qualifications of the candidate;
  • For scientists who meet the criteria for a doctoral supervisor and agree to be a thesis supervisor, it is necessary to add comments on the urgency and feasibility of the research topic and content; and clearly state the ability to mobilize PhD students for research topics and projects as well as the funding sources that can be spent on the PhD students’ research activities (if any).
  • Other comments and the level of support and recommendation for the candidate to be a PhD student.

– Candidates applying for the doctoral training program must have at least 02 years of working experience in the field of the major applying for (calculated from the date of signing the decision to recognize university graduation to the date of admission).

– Commit to fulfilling financial obligations during the training process according to the regulations of VNU and the School of Business and Administration.

  1. b) Candidates who are Vietnamese citizens must meet the requirements for foreign language proficiency appropriate to the training program, as evidenced by one of the following diplomas, certificates, and certifications:

– Having a university degree or higher issued by a foreign training institution, a branch of a foreign training institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese training institution to full-time students in English.

– Having a university degree in English or English pedagogy issued by a Vietnamese training institution.

– One of the English certificates at a level equivalent to Level 4 or higher according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam within 2 years from the date of the certificate exam to the date of registration for admission (Regulations in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of this announcement)

Note: VNU does not accept the use of English certificates taken online. The School of Business Administration will verify the English diploma/certificate of the successful candidates and enroll according to current regulations of VNU.

  1. c) Candidates who are foreign citizens: Admission is considered according to current regulations on attracting and managing international students/trainees at VNU.
  2. d) Other requirements

– Have an official dispatch to attend the recruitment exam from the direct management agency according to current regulations on training and fostering civil servants and public employees (if the candidate is a civil servant or public employee).

– Submit complete application documents according to regulations and registration time according to regulations of Hanoi National University and HSB.

5.Program framework:

(*) Note: Students can choose either International Business Management or Organizational Change Strategies

6.Professional skills

  • Be able to discover new areas for research for their related field and conduct the research project in the area of Management of Nontraditional Security or Integrated Management of Business.
  • Able to lead and/or collaborate with a team of local and international researchers 
  • Able to design, deliver training courses for undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Capable of publishing research results in top journals in WOS/Scopus index.

7.Program fees:

  • Full program: to be announced on a yearly basis
  • The above does NOT include application, reservation, extension, exam retaking, course retaking, English Standardized Test, English learning fees (if any).



Address: 2nd Floor, B1 Building, 144 Xuân Thuỷ, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

Hotline: 086 875 5656 – 096 820 2244 – 024.6292.3030




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