Invitation to participate in Research Group on Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Linked to Sustainable Development at EVNHANOI

Invitation to participate in Research Group on Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Linked to Sustainable Development at EVNHANOI

Group Name: Research Group on Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Linked to Sustainable Development at EVNHANOI


Accelerating economic growth always comes with environmental and social issues. These issues require the participation of economic entities, including businesses, to address them. Starting from developed countries, social responsibility activities have expanded to developing countries, and Vietnam is no exception, especially in the context of increasing globalization and fierce competition. Businesses play a crucial role in connecting economic actors and need to be at the forefront of implementing global trends such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Globalization and easy information sharing on a global scale have made social responsibility a leading issue in the strategic plans of all types of organizations, including for-profit and nonprofit organizations. Therefore, activities related to sustainable development go hand in hand with economic efficiency. With Vietnam deeply integrating into the global economy, including becoming the 150th member of the WTO in 2007, signing new generation trade agreements, and joining the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, new prospects and significant challenges have emerged for businesses. Despite the existence of pressing social issues such as environmental pollution, business ethics violations, and a lack of responsibility towards community safety and well-being, there is evidence of specific activities by businesses that strive to accompany the difficulties in the community, such as sponsorship and charity activities, to affirm their social responsibility.

Based on the synthesis of previous relevant research on the topic, the research group has identified important points as the basis for building a model and research methods, such as constructing a CSR measurement criteria system, survey plans for CSR, and assessing the current situation of CSR at EVNHANOI.

Participants and Requirements:

Faculty members, students, or participants from the School of Business and Management (HSB) 

The research group will have regular professional meetings once a week (approximately 3 hours per session).

 The content will include reporting results, discussions, and setting research directions for the following week. 

All participants are expected to contribute to the activities of the group.

Registration Procedure

Please send an email to [email protected] to register.

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