HSB’s research was accepted by VNU’s scientific evaluation and acceptance council

On July 25, Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) organized a hearing to evaluate and accept the project “Research to propose solutions to ensure water security for the sustainable development of Hanoi City” (Code: QG.19.60). The hearing was organized according to Decision No. 2413/QD-ĐHQGHN of the Rector of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

The hearing was attended by members of the scientific evaluation and acceptance council, under the chairmanship of Professor. Dr. Truong Quang Hai.

At the hearing, Associate Professor. Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi – project leader and Dr. Tran Thi Nguyet – project member, gave a presentation on the issues, objectives, methods and results of the research.

After the presentation of the research team, the Council recognized and highly appreciated the hard work that HSB’s researchers put into the study. The council members also gave many valuable feedback and comments, which helped the research team to improve their work. With high consensus, the council decided to accept the project project “Research to propose solutions to ensure water security for the sustainable development of Hanoi City”.

HSB and the research team would like to sincerely thank Vietnam National University – Hanoi for the great support throughout the research project.

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