HSB – top management school in Vietnam is accredited by ACQUIN and granted membership by AACSB

On 31/03/2023, Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB), a member school of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) are proudly accredited following the framework of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) by the Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute (ACQUIN) for all HSB Undergraduates programs:

  • Bachelor of Management of Enterprise and Technology (MET)
  • Bachelor of Management and Security (MAS)
  • Bachelor of Marketing and Communication (MAC)
  • Bachelor of Management of Human and Talent (HAT)

Simultaneously, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) – one of the three leading global business school accreditation organizations, has welcomed HSB as a member of the AACSB business education alliance member, offering access to the AACSB network, workshops, seminars for HSB to prepare for the AACSB accreditation process in the near future. Thus, from now on, HSB has affirmed its position as a higher education institute with two interdisciplinary school of thoughts: integrated business management (IBM) and management of nontraditional security management (MNS) by achieving top accredited international education quality. These are the important initial milestones on the path of becoming the top 100 in Asian region by 2035 and top global 500 by 2045, according to the strategic vision of HSB.

After many rounds of rigourous interviews, serious and transparent evaluations by European experts including scientists, academic professors, and internationally reputable entrepreneurs, the HSB team, including Board of Rectors, program managers, lecturers, and HSB staffs, have proved to the ACQUIN experts that HSB believe in its core values of being a non-profit public organization focusing on public-private partnership (PPP), under a team of professional and talented administrators, lecturers, researchers, and students who meet international education standards under a transparent, advanced, and strategic quality management process coupled with practical action plans. ACQUIN believes that HSB is ready to welcome international students, lecturers, researchers to exchange when HSB has demonstrated itself as an institution that is always ready to innovate with high international education management standards. ACQUIN experts have provided valuable comments and recommendations, of which HSB has and will seriously reflect and implement through specific strategies and actions to improve the quality of teaching, training, and overall operation of HSB.

Together with the honor of being accredited by ACQUIN as a ESG-compliant institution and becoming a member of AACSB, HSB commits to become a life long education partners to our students, lecturers and will continuously strive to improve the quality of HSB operation, teaching, and learning to become a higher education institution with leading teaching and learning quality both locally and globally. We want to express utmost sincere thanks for the cooperation and participation of all students, learners, teachers, and stakeholders.

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