On 14th December 2013, HSB, VNU organized the graduation ceremony for about 200 Master students of International Executive MBA program including those who participated in HSB-MBA programs and MBA program in association with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).
On 14th December 2013, HSB, VNU organized the graduation ceremony for about 200 Master students of International Executive MBA program including those who participated in HSB-MBA programs and MBA program in association with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).
At the ceremony, HSB welcomed the presentation of prominent figures in Vietnam academic society including:
1. Prof. and D.Sc. Vu Minh Giang – Chairman of VNU’s Council for Science and Education, and also chairman of HSB’s Science and Training Advisory board, former vice President of VNU,
2. Dr. Vu Quoc Thai – Deputy Director of VNU’s Academic Affairs Department,
3. Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi – Deputy Dean of HSB,
4. Prof. Dr. Volker Schulte, the Representative of The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
And all lecturers, students, former students of HSB
In the commencement speech, Prof. Vu Minh Giang congratulated all newly graduated Master students and highly appreciate their efforts in studying, researching in order to complete the program on time.
Also at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi –Deputy Chairman of HSB had expressed its sympathy with the new masters in remembering his learning and striving time strive to can be successful in today. He congratulated the new masters, and he desired after graduating, the alumni will continue to maintain a passion for learning and keep the good relationship with HSB, join hands and support HSB in the community activities connected alumni to grow HSB-Alumni block stronger and more sustainable.
On behalf of The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Prof. Volker Schulte gave his congratulation to the new masters and he also said that teaching staff at his university were very impressed with straightforward, well-educational and experienced ideas from Vietnamese students. Sharing and mutual learning are not only good for the Vietnamese students but also for faculties of his generation. He emphasized the importance of the students, those who will be representatives for the training institutions as well as for sustainability of relation between Vietnam and Switzerland. Moreover, Prof. Volker once again stated the significant important of the international executive MBA as one of the key successes of FHNW all over the world and hoped that more similar programs could be implemented in the near future.
The graduation ceremony is a memorable event of all students, a turning-point of their lifetime in the process of learning and researching. In that very joyful moment, newly graduate master students expressed their great emotion because that was the day when they put themselves in regalia, and being awarded a precious master degree. Representative of the students expressed their sincere thanks to HSB’s teaching staff for their helps during the time studying at HSB.

The ceremony was organized successfully and at the end, the new masters underwent usual cap-tossing ritual as the way to say goodbye to a memorable process of life and to open a new and challenging door chosen by their own.