Master of Business Administration (HSB-MBA) Program – 2022 Admission Information

Established in 1995, Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) is a member of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). HSB is a very reputable Brand-Name for  MBA Program and other Interdisciplinary Degree Programs (MET, MNS, MBM, DMS) in collaboration with many top-ranking international universities in the world such as University of Queensland (UQ, Australia), State University of New York, IPAG Business School (France), Han Yang University (South Korea). HSB hereby informs you about the enrollment of students for HSB-MBA Intakes in 2022:

1. Basic Information

– Name of Program:

– Major in:

– Code of Program:

– Degree to be awarded by:

– Training Institution:

– Language of Teaching

– Official Length of the Program:

– Proof of Graduation:

Master of Business Administration (HSB-MBA)

Business Administration


Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Hanoi School of Business and Management


18-24 months

The minimum average grade point is 2.0 and the minimum thesis grade point is C

2. Time for Application

Foreign candidates can apply to enter HSB-MBA Program at any time in the year.

3. Study Schedule

Study in the morning and afternoon on Saturdays and Sundays (some lectures can be taken place during some evenings in a week per schedule of international professors)

4. Admission Requirement

Based on the regulations, foreign candidates need to be interviewed by HSB Interview Committee for admission to any degree program of HSB.

For those candidates who have bachelor degrees which are not majored in Business and Management, it is compulsory to study Foundation Courses (09 Courses/Subjects. See Annex 3, or contact HSB Admission Office for more details).

5. English Certificate Requirements

Candidates must have one of the following diplomas or certificates:

– Certificate of English proficiency level B2 or equivalent to IELTS 5.5, … (issued within 2 years before enrollment date and issued by a certified center or competent international examiners, or by a Vietnam university providing official training in the foreign language (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

– International bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree where the language of training is in English.

– Bachelor degree in foreign languages, major in English.

6. Form of admission

6.1. Application Process

– Step 1: Admissions Committee receives and appraises application and required document (According to Artical 8 ). Candidates who meet the prescribed requirements will be notified of the interview time.

– Step 2: The interview: The Interview Committee conducts assessment of records; and interviews the candidate (using English).

The questions focus on testing the motivation, the purpose of the study, the candidate’s practical experience. Thereby, The Interview Commitee can evaluate the research ability, management experience, problem-solving skill and other issues related to HSB-MBA program.

6.2. Assessment Scale:

– Scoring: maximum score: 100 points

– Minimum Score for Admission: 60/100

– Specific criteria are as follows:

+ Learning Ability: maximum 30 points

This criterion assesses the competency of the candidate through the results obtained at the Bachelor’s level.

+ Language Ability: maximum 10 points

This criterion assesses the candidate’s ability in foreign language (English).

+ Interview: maximum 50 points

This criterion is to assess candidates’ knowledge, skills and knowledge on issues related to the training program which they are applying for; The ability to communicate, understand and express the problems are the factors that judges require.

+ Reference letter from reputable scientist, priority object (if any): maximum 10 points.

This criterion is to evaluate candidates’ qualities and abilities through comments from individual scientists and experts who have had time to contact candidates; Candidates are eligible if they are available.

7. Tuition fee

7.1 Full tuition fee

– The Tuition Fee for the HSB-MBA program

+ For Vietnamese Students:  6,574 $

+ For International Students: 9,800 $

– The Tuition Fee for Foundation Courses: 25$ per credit.

– Students can pay the total Tuition Fee at the admission, or can pay 50% of the total Tuition Fee every year before the course starts.

– Excellent students facing difficulties have the opportunity to apply for partial or full scholarship.

– The Tuition Fee includes management cost, training cost, printed lecture notes and documents, seminars, field trips, usage of classrooms and air-con, tea-break, drinking water, usage of HSB facilities.

– Tuition Fee does not include registration fee; fee for reservation, extension; re-examination fee (if any).

7.2 Registration Fee

– Registration Fee: USD 7 /candidate

– Interview and Assessment Fee: USD 50 / candidate

  1. Application Profile

8.1. HSB application profile requirement

A. Required documents:
1. The Application Form (according to set form) : 01 original
2. Health Certificate of candidate issued by the hospital within 6 months before application date : 01 original
3. University Degree (English version) : 01 copy
4. University transcripts (English version) 01 copy
5. Certificate of English (IELTS 5.5 or B2 per European English Skill Framework or other Equivalent Certificate) : 01 copy
6. Portrait Photo, taken within 6 months before application date : 03 03 photos
7. Application Form for International Applicants to Study in Vietnam (set form in Appendix 4) : 01 copy
8. Certificate of Financing Ability to pay for study and living cost in Vietnam (from your Bank or your company/ organization/ donors…) : 01 copy
B. Other Document:
9. Passport (Visa can be applied after successful interview) : 01 copy
10. Recommendation Letter from your Representative in Vietnam or Candidate’s Company (if any) : 01 original

8. Contact address

Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB), Vietnam National University, Hanoi

  • Address: B1, No. 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi
  • Tel:7548456 – Fax: 024.7548455

Admissions Department – Hanoi School of Business and Management

  • Address: 2nd Floor, B1, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi
  • Hotline: 024. 6292.3030 – 0903.281.028
  • Email:
  • Website:







Institutions of Certification B1, B2 are accredited

English Russian French Chinese Virtue
1 University of Foreign Languages – VNU
2 Foreign Language University – University of Da Nang
3 Foreign Language University –

Hue University

4 Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
5 Hanoi University




Foreign language ability IELTS TOEFL TOEIC

(4 skills)

APTIS (British Council) Cambridge Exam Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency
Level 4 5.5 543 IPT

72 iPT



Listening 400

Speaking 160



B2 (General) B1 Preliminary: 160

B2 First: 160

C1 Advanced: 160

B1 Business Preliminary: 160

B2 Business Preliminary:160

C1 Business Higher: 160

VSTEP.3-5 (6.0)



Group of Candidates Subjects/Courses Credit
Group 3: Having bachelor degrees in the areas: Maths, IT, ICT, Applied Informatics, International Studies, Law, Politics, Hospitality, English Language, Construction, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Humanities. Macro-Economics 4
Micro-Economics 4
Introduction to Management Science 3
Introduction to Business Management 4
Introduction to Marketing Management 4
Principles of Accounting 4
Introduction to Financial Management 4
Scientific Research Methodology 3
Strategic management 4
  Total Credit 34


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